AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Teaching

About the Standing Committee on Teaching

According to the AEJMC Bylaws, the Teaching Committee shall be concerned with:

  • Standards of academic and professional preparation for teachers in the field.
  • Standards of appointment, tenure, promotion, compensation, research and retirement for teachers.
  • Minimum standards of equipment and facilities for instruction and research.
  • Standards of faculty-administration relationships.

The committee shall represent the association in matters of accreditation. AEJMC representatives to ACEJMC are elected from, and by, the current members of the Teaching Standards Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities of Teaching Committee Members:

  • Attend AEJMC annual and mid-winter meetings.
  • Serve as liaison and maintain contact with assigned division and interest group teaching standards chairs.
  • Prepare a list of potential programming activities for division and interest group teaching chairs.
  • Provide divisions with goals that may be applicable to teaching standards.
  • One member takes part in the division/IG assessment process each year. This requires reading annual reports for 5 to 6 groups and participating in a one-on-one interview process at the convention.
  • Plan, organize and carry out an AEJMC plenary once every three years.
  • Plan, organize and carry out workshops and other teaching activities.
  • Review papers submitted for Teaching Committee paper competitions (when sponsored).

Teaching Committee members are required to attend one meeting during the AEJMC fiscal year, which runs from October 1 through September 30. The meeting that new members will attend occurs during the annual AEJMC Conference in August and is typically held the morning of the second day of the convention. This meeting usually lasts 3 hours.

Although the first official meeting of service on the Teaching Committee following the March AEJMC elections occurs with the December meeting, new members are encouraged to attend the upcoming August meeting during the conference. This provides valuable insight into the workings and activities of the Committee prior to full-time involvement and assignment of responsibilities.

<Elected Standing Committees

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