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J&MC Quarterly Index-Advertising

Volumes 71 to 80
1994 to 2003
Subject Index: Advertising

Adolescent Responses to TV Beer Ads and Sports Content/Context: Gender and Ethnic Differences (Michael D. Slater, Donna Rouner, Melanie Domenech-Rodriguez, Frederick Beauvais, Kevin Murphy, and James K. Van Leuven) 74:1, 108-122.

The Advertising Content of African-American Newspapers (Stephen Lacy and Karyn A. Ramsey) 71:3, 521-530.

Advertising Managers’ Perceptions of Sales Effects and Creative Properties of National Newspaper Advertising: The Medium Revisited (Leonard N. Reid and Karen Whitehill King) 80:2, 410-430.

Advertorials in Magazines: Current Use and Compliance with Industry Guidelines (Glen T. Cameron, Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak, and Bong-Hyun Kim) 73:3, 722-733.

Appropriating Reality: Consumers’ Perceptions of Schema-Inconsistent Advertising (Hazel G. Warlaumont) 74:1, 39-54.

Black and White Models and Their Activities in Modern Cigarette and Alcohol Ads (Leonard N. Reid, Karen Whitehill King, and Peggy J. Kreshel) 71:4, 873-886.

Cause-Related Marketing Ads in the Light of Negative News (Sameer Deshpande and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 79:4, 905-926.

Cheesecake and Beefcake: No Matter How You Slice It, Sexual Explicitness in Advertising Continues to Increase (Tom Reichert, Jacqueline Lambiase, Susan Morgan, Meta Carstarphen, and Susan Zavoina) 76:1, 7-20.

Cognitive Impact of Banner Ad Characteristics: An Experimental Study (Hairong Li and Janice L. Bukovac) 76:2, 341-53.

Commercial Breaks: A Viewing Behavior Study (Sandra E. Moriarty and Shu-Ling Everett) 71:2, 346-355.

Communication Styles and Female Candidates: A Study of the Political Advertising during the 1986 Senate Elections (Anne Johnston and Anne Barton White) 71:2, 321-329.

Companionship in the Classifieds: The Adoption of Personal Advertisements by Daily Newspapers (Debra L. Merskin and Mara Huberlie) 73:1, 219-229.

The Cow, the Cook, and the Quaker: Fifty Years of Spokes-Character Advertising (Barbara J. Phillips and Barbara Gyoerick) 76:4, 713-28.

A Demand-Side View of Media Substitutability in National Advertising: A Study of Advertiser Opinions about Traditional Media Options (Leonard N. Reid and Karen Whitehill King) 77:2, 292-307.

Does the Watchdog Bite? Newspaper Ad Watch Articles and Political Attack Ads (Patrick B. O’Sullivan and Seth Geiger) 72:4, 771-785.

The Effectiveness of Banner Advertisements: Involvement and Click-through (Chang-Hoan Cho) 80:3, 623-645.

Effects of Anti-Tobacco Advertisements Based on Risk-Taking Tendencies: Realistic Fear vs. Vulgar Humor (Moon J. Lee and Mary Ann Ferguson) 79:4, 945-963.

Environmental Advertising: Norms and Levels of Advertiser Trust (Joel J. Davis) 71:2, 330-345.

Hispanic Marketing: National Advertiser Spending Patterns and Media Choices (Sabrina R. Goodson and Mary Alice Shaver) 71:1, 191-198.

Images of Rosie: A Content Analysis of Women Workers in American Magazine Advertising, 1940-1946 (Charles Lewis and John Neville) 72:1, 216-227.

The Impact of Competition on Weekly Newspaper Advertising Rates (Stephen Lacy, David C. Coulson, and Hiromi Cho) 78:3, 450-465.

The Impact of Intermedia and Newspaper Competition on Advertising Linage in Daily Newspapers (Mary Alice Shaver and Stephen Lacy) 76:4, 729-44.

Impartial Spectator in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Principles of Adam Smith as an Ethical Basis for Regulation of Corporate Speech (Robert L. Kerr) 79:2, 394-415.

The Institution of Advertising: Predictors of Cross-National Differences in Consumer Confidence (George M. Zinkhan and Anne L. Balazs) 75:3, 535-547.

Intertwining of Campaign News and Advertising: The Content and Electoral Effects of Newspaper Ad Watches (Young Min) 79:4, 927-944.

Looking through Gendered Lenses: Female Stereotyping in Advertisements and Gender Role Expectations (Sue Lafky, Margaret Duffy, Mary Steinmaus, and Dan Berkowitz) 73:2, 379-388.

Loud Tastes, Colored Fragrances, and Scented Sounds: How and When to Mix the Senses in Persuasive Communications (Michelle R. Nelson and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 76:2, 354-372.

Measurement Effects in Comparing Voter Learning from Television News and Campaign Advertisements (Xinshu Zhao and Glen L. Bleske) 72:1, 72-83.

Minority Presence and Portrayal in Mainstream Magazine Advertising: An Update (Lawrence Bowen and Jill Schmid) 74:1, 134-146.

Modeling Format and Source Effects of an Advocacy Message (Dulcie Straughan, Glen L. Bleske, and Xinshu Zhao) 73:1, 135-146.

Olympic Athletes and Heroism in Advertising: Gendered Concepts of Valor? (J. Robyn Goodman, Lisa L. Duke, and John Sutherland) 79:2, 374-393.

Placing Alcohol Warnings before, during, and after TV Beer Ads: Effects on Knowledge and Responses to the Ads and the Warnings (Michael D. Slater, Donna Rouner, David Karan, Kevin Murphy, and Frederick Beauvais) 76:3, 468-484.

Policing Political Ads: An Analysis of Five Leading Newspapers’ Responses to 1992 Political Advertisements (Lori Melton McKinnon, Lynda Lee Kaid, Janet Murphy, and Cynthia K. Acree) 73:1, 66-76.

Portrayal of Men and Women in U.S. Spanish-Language Television Commercials (Jami A. Fullerton and Alice Kendrick) 77:1, 128-142.

Portrayals of Latinos in Magazine Advertising (Charles R. Taylor and Hae-Kyong Bang) 74:2, 285-303.

Skin Tones and Physical Features of Blacks in Magazine Advertisements (Kevin L. Keenan) 73:4, 905-912.

Slow Fade To?: Advertising in Ebony Magazine, 1957-1989 (Michael Leslie) 72:2, 426-435.

Theory of Synesthesia Applied to Persuasion in Print Advertising Headlines (Michelle R. Nelson and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 72:2, 346-360.

Time: The “Silent” Cultural Value in American Television Advertising (Joyce M. Wolburg) 76:3, 419-432.

Time of Voting Decision and Use of Political Advertising: The Slade Gorton-Brock Adams Senatorial Campaign (Lawrence Bowen) 71:3, 665-675.

Toward an Understanding of Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising: A Content Analysis of Chinese Television Commercials in 1990 and 1995 (Hong Cheng) 74:4, 773-796.

Tracing Sources of Information Pollution: A Survey and Experimental Test of Print Media’s Labeling Policy for Feature Advertising (Glen T. Cameron and Patricia A. Curtin) 72:1, 178-189.

What’s Bad in an Ad: Thirty Years of Opinion from Ad Age’s “Ads-We-Can-Do-Without” Letters (Bruce G. Vanden Bergh, Nora J. Rifon, and Molly Catherine Ziske) 72:4, 948-959.

When Advertising and Public Relations Converge: An Application of Schema Theory to the Persuasive Impact of Alignment Ads (Toni L. Schmidt and Jacqueline C. Hitchon) 76:3, 433-55.

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