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Journalism Quarterly Index-Television

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Television

Adolescent TV Viewing in Saudi Arabia (Douglas A. Boyd and Ali M. Najai), 61:295-301, 351.

Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Primary Values of Television Prograrnming (W. James Potter), 67:843-51.

America in a Visual Century (Robert Kahan), 69:262-65.

American TV and Social Stereotypes of Americans in Taiwan and Mexico (Alexis S. Tan, Sarrina Li and Charles Simpson), 63:809-14.

Assessing Quality in Local TV News (Churchill L. Roberts and Sandra H. Dickson), 61:392-98.

Attitudes of Parents Concerning Televised Warning Statements (Dan Slater and Teresa L. Thompson), 61:853-59.

Audience Recall of News Stories Presented by Newspaper, Computer, Television and Radio (Melvin L. DeFleur, Lucinda Davenport, Mary Cronin and Margaret DeFleur), 69:1010-22.

Audience Selectivity of Local Television Newscasts (Carolyn A. Lin), 69:373-82.

Baiting Viewers: Violence and Sex in Television Program Advertisements (Lawrence C. Soley and Leonard N. Reid), 62:105-10, 131.

Blacks in the News: Television, Modern Racism and Cultural Change (Robert M. Entman), 69:341-61.

Broadcast Condom Advertising: A Case Study (Herb Kaplan and Rick Houlberg), 67:171-76.

Broadcasting Departmental Impact on Employee Perceptions and Conflict (Myria Watkins Allen, Joy Hart Siebert, John W. Haas and Stephanie Zimmerman), 65:668-71.

Buying From A Friend: A Content Analysis of Two Teleshopping Programs (Philip J. Auter and Roy L. Moore), 70:425-36.

Campaign Coverage by Local TV News in Columbus, Ohio, 1978-1986 (David H. Ostroff and Karin L. Sandell), 66:114-20.

Changes in the News: Trends in Network News Production (Raymond L. Carroll), 65:940-45.

Children’s Learning from a Television Newscast (Dan G. Drew and Stephen D. Reese), 61:83-88.

Children’s Television Programming and the “Free Market Solution” (Dennis D. Kerkman, Dale Kunkel, Aletha C. Huston and Marites F. Pinon), 67:147-56.

A Clash Over Race: Tennessee Governor Ellington versus CBS, 1960 (David E. Sumner), 68:541-47.

Comparison of Journalistic Values of Television Reporters and Producers (Conrad Smith and Lee B. Becker), 66:793-800.

Content Values in TV News Programs in Small and Large Markets (Raymond L. Carroll), 62:877-82.

Contextual Coverage of Government by Local Television News (James M. Bernstein and Stephen Lacy), 69:329-40.

Corrections Policies in Local Television News: A Survey (Michael E. Cremedas), 69:166-72.

Defining Ethics in Electronic Journalism: Perceptions of News Directors (K. Tim Wulfemeyer), 67:984-91.

Degree of Conformity in Lead Stories in Early Evening Network TV Newscasts (Joe S. Foote and Michael E. Steele), 63:19-23.

Deregulation and Competition: Explaining the Absence of Local Broadcast News Operations (Michael L. McKean and Vernon A. Stone), 69:713-23.

Determinants of Network News Coverage of the Oil Industry During the Late 1970s (Stephen Erfle and Henry McMillan), 66:121-28.

Economic News on Network Television (Stephen D. Reese, John A. Daly and Andrew P. Hary), 64:137-44.

An Editorial Comment (Donald L. Shaw), 69:258-59.

Effect of Cable Television on Advertiser and Consumer Spending on Mass Media, 1978-1990 (Jack Glascock), 70:509-17.

The Effect of Leadership Behavior on Job Satisfaction and Goal Agreement and Attainment in Local TV News (Angela Powers), 68:772-80.

Effects of Cable Television on News Use (Joey Reagan), 61:317-24.

The Effects of Editorials on Audience Reaction to Television Newscasters (Elizabeth Krueger and James D. Fox), 68:402-411.

The Emotional Use of Popular Music by Adolescents (Alan Wells and Ernest A. Hakanen), 68:445-54.

Encoding TV News Messages Into Memory (Tom Grimes), 67:757-66.

Format Effects on Comprehension of Television News (Hans-Bernd Brosius), 68:396-401.

A 40-Year Portrait of the Portrayal of Industry on Prime-Time Television (Nick Trujillo and Leah R. Ekdom), 64:368-375.

The Frequency and Context of Prosocial Acts on Prime-Time TV (W. James Potter and William Ware), 66:359-66.

Game Time, Soap Time and Prime Time TV Ads: Treatment of Women in Sunday Football and Rest-of-Week Advertising (Daniel Riffe, Patricia C. Place, and Charles M. Mayo), 70:437-46.

Geographic Coverage by Local Television News (James M. Bernstein, Stephen Lacy, Catherine Cassara and Tuen-Yu Laue), 67:663-71.

Gratifications of Grazing: An Exploratory Study of Remote Control Use (James R. Walker and Robert V. Bellamy Jr.), 68:422-31.

Group and Cross-Media Ownership of TV Stations: A 1989 Update (Herbert H. Howard), 66:785-91.

Hard News/Soft News Content of the National Television Networks, 1972-1987 (David K. Scott and Robert H. Gobetz), 69:406-12.

Heavy Television Viewing and Perceived Quality of Life (Michael Morgan), 61:499-504, 740.

How Anchors, Reporters and Newsmakers Affect Recall and Evaluation of Stories (Larry L. Burriss), 64:514-19.

How Do Adolescents’ Perceptions of Television Reality Change Over Time? (W. James Potter), 69:392-405.

How Local Television Learns What Is News (John McManus), 67:672-83.

How Network Television Coverage of the President and Congress Compare (Lynda Lee Kaid and Joe Foote), 62:59-65.

How Political Is Religious Television? (Robert Abelman and Garry Pettey), 65:313-19.

How the Presence of Cable Affects Parental Mediation of TV Viewing (David Atkin, Carrier Heeter and Thomas Baldwin), 66:557-63.

How Three Chicago Newspapers Covered the Washington-Epton Campaign (Timothy F. Grainey, Dennis R. Pollack and Lori A. Kusmierek), 61:352-55, 363.

Impact of Arousing Commercials on Perceptions of TV News (Seth Finn and Terry M. Hickson), 63:369-71.

Impact of Budget Cuts on CBS News (Joseph R. Dominick), 59:469-73.

The Impact of Negative Network News (Marc G. Weinberger, Chris T. Allen, and William R. Dillon), 61:287-94.

The Impact of the Newer Television Technologies on Television Satisfaction (Elizabeth M. Perse and Douglas A. Ferguson), 70:843-53.

Influence of Cable on Television News Audiences (Thomas F. Baldwin, Marianne Barrett and Benjamin Bates), 69:651-58.

Influence of News Coverage of the “Scandal” on PTL Viewers (Robert Abelman), 68:101-110.

The Influence of Religiosity on Television News (Neal F. Hamilton and Alan M. Rubin), 69:667-78.

Information Subsidy and Agenda-Building in Local Television News (Dan Berkowitz and Douglas B. Adams), 67:723-31.

Informational Content of American and Japanese Television Commercials (Jyotika Ramaprasad and Kazumi Hasegawa), 69:612-22.

Is the Medium the Message?: An Experimental Test with Morbid News (Ellen M. Bennett, Jill Dianne Swenson and Jeff S. Wilkinson), 69:921-28.

It’s All in the Family: Siblings and Program Choice Conflict (Susan Brown Zahn and Stanley J. Baran), 61:847-52.

Killing “Gnats with a Sledgehammer”? Case Study: Fairness Doctrine and a Broadcast License Denial (Timothy W. Gleason), 68:805-813.

Latin America on Network TV (Waltraud Queiser Morales), 61:157-60. Learned Helplessness in Local TV News (Grace Ferrari Levin), 63:12-18, 23.

Live ABC, CBS and NBC Interviews During Three Democratic Conventions (David L. Womack), 62:838-44.

Local Station Coverage of Campaigns: A Tale of Two Cities in Ohio (David H. Ostroff and Karin Sandell), 61:346-51.

Locally Produced Programming on Independent Television Stations (Garry A. Hale and Richard C. Vincent), 63:562-67, 599.

Network Evening News Coverage of the TWA Hostage Crisis (Tony Atwater), 64:520-25.

Network News Coverage of Invasion of Lebanon by Israeli in 1982 (Manny Paraschos and Bill Rutherford), 62:457-64.

Network Rerun Viewing in the Age of New Programming Services (Barry R. Litman and Linda S. Kohl), 69:383-91.

Network Television Evening News Coverage of Infectious Disease Events (Michael Greenberg and Daniel Wartenberg), 67:142-46.

News Conferences on TV: Ike-Age Politics Revisited (Craig Allen), 70:13-25.

News Critics, Newsworkers and Local Television News (Conrad Smith), 65:341-46.

News on the “700 Club” After Pat Robertson’s Political Fall (Robert Abelman), 67:157-62.

Newspaper Coverage of Proposals for Rate Increase by Electric Utility (David O. Wolverton and Donald Vance), 64:581-85.

Numbers versus Pictures: Did Network Television Sensationalize Chernobyl Coverage? (Carole Gorney), 69:455-65.

Perceived Career Barriers of Men and Women Television News Anchors (Anthony J. Ferri), 65:661-67.

Perceptions of Good News and Bad News on Television (Mary Lou Galician), 63:611-16.

Perceptions of Viewer Interests by Local TV Journalists (K. Tim Wulfemeyer), 61:432-35.

The Portrayal of Corporate Crime in Network Television Newscasts (Donna M. Randall), 64:150-53.

Portrayal of Families on Prime-Time TV: Structure, Type and Frequency (Thomas Skill, James D. Robinson and Samuel P. Wallace), 64:360-67.

Portrayal of Journalists on Prime Time Television (Gerald Stone and John Lee), 67:697-707.

Portrayals of Mental Illness in Daytime Television Serials (Laurel Fruth and Allan Padderud), 62:384-87, 449.

Primary News Source Changes: Question Wording, Availability, and Cohort Effects (Michael D. Basil), 67:708-722.

Prime-Time TV Portrayals of Sex, Contraception and Venereal Diseases (Dennis T. Lowry and David E. Towles), 66:347-52.

Prime Time TV Portrayals of Sex, “Safe Sex” and AIDS: A Longitudinal Analysis (Dennis T. Lowry and Jon A. Shidler), 70:628-37.

Product Differentiation in Local TV News (Tony Atwater), 61:757-62.

Product-Related Programming and ChildrenÕs TV: A Content Analysis (B. Carol Eaton and Joseph R. Dominick), 68:67-75.

Representation, Roles, and Occupational Status of Black Models in Television Advertisements (Jane W. Licata and Abhijit Biswas), 70:868-82.

Risk, Drama and Geography in Coverage of Environmental Risk by Network TV (Michael R. Greenberg, David B. Sachsman, Peter N. Sandman and Kandice L. Salamone), 66:267-76.

The Sandwich Programming Strategy: A Case of Audience Flow (James T. Tiedge and Kenneth J. Ksobiech), 65:376-83.

Satellite News Gathering and News Department Operations (Gladys L. Clelland and David H. Ostroff), 65:946-51.

Segmenting Broadcast News Audiences in the New Media Environment (Robert H. Wicks), 66:383-90.

Sex Discrimination in Earnings and Story Assignments Among TV Reporters (Conrad Smith, Eric Fredin and Carroll Ann Ferguson), 65:3-11.

Sibling Interactions in 1950s versus 1980s Sitcoms: A Comparison (Mary Strom Larson), 68:381-87.

Status of News Sources Interviewed During Presidential Conventions (David L. Womack), 63:331-36.

Telecommunications Research Productivity of U.S. Communication Programs: 1984-1989 (Richard C. Vincent), 68:840-51.

Television ‘Addiction’? An Evaluation of Four Competing Media-Use Models (Seth Finn), 69:422-35.

Television and Adults’ Verbal Intelligence (Michael Morgan), 63:537-41.

Television as Babysitter (Walter Gantz and Jonathan Masland), 63:530-36.

Television News Coverage of Six Federal Regulatory Agencies (Larry W. Thomas and Laslo V. Boyd), 61:160-64.

Television News Viewing by Older Adults (R. Irwin Goodman), 67:137-41.

Television Use and Mental Health (Alexis S. Tan and Gerdean K. Tan), 63:106-13.

Television’s Professional Women: Working with Men in the 1980s (Diana C. Reep and Faye H. Dambrot), 64:376-81.

Traits of Perpetrators and Receivers of Antisocial and Prosocial Acts on TV (W. James Potter and William Ware), 64:382-391.

TV News Directors’ Perception of Station Management Style (R. C. Adams and Marjorie J. Fish), 64:154-62.

TV News in Saudi Arabia (Jerry C. Hudson and Steve Swindel), 65:1003-06.

TV’s “Instant Analysis” and “Querulous Criticism”: Effects of the 1988 First Bush-Dukakis Debate (Dennis T. Lowry, Janet A. Bridges and Paul A. Barefield), 67:814-25.

TV-Related Mother-Child Interaction and Children’s Perceptions of TV Characters (Paul Messaris and Dennis Kerr), 61:662-66.

Two Comparisons of Rural Public Television Viewers and Non-Viewers in Northern Mississippi (Will Norton, Jr., John W. Windhauser and Susan Langdon Norton), 69:690-702.

Understanding and Recall of TV News (Thomas J. Housel), 61:505-08, 741.

Unshackled by Unwilling: Public Broadcasting and Editorializing (Howard M. Kleiman), 64:707-13.

The Use of Blacks in Magazine and Television Advertising 1946 to 1986 (George M. Zinkhan, William J. Qualls and Abhijit Biswas), 67:547-53.

The Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising: A Content Analysis (Lynette S. Unger, Diane M. McConocha and John A. Faier), 68:345-53.

Use of Satellite Technology in Local Television News (Stephen Lacy, Tony Atwater and Angela Powers), 65:925-29.

Useful News, Sensational News: Quality, Sensationalism and Local TV News (C. Richard Hofstetter and David M. Dozier), 63:815-20, 853.

The Uses and Gratifications of Rerun Viewing (Diane Furno-Lamude and James Anderson), 69:362-72.

Video Movies at Home: Are They Viewed like Film or like Television? (Dean M. Krugman, Scott A. Shamp and Keith F. Johnson), 68:120-30.

Viewer Reactions to Content and Presentational Format of Television News (Ralph R. Behnke and Phyllis Miller), 69:659-66.

Viewer Reactions to Music in Television Commercials (Patricia A. Stout, John D. Leckenby and Sidney Hecker), 67:887-98.

Voter Learning in the 1988 Presidential Election: Did the Debates and the Media Matter? (Dan Drew and David Weaver), 68:27-37.

Voter Partisan Orientations and Use of Political Television (Kim A. Smith and Douglas A. Ferguson), 67:864-74.

When Characters Speak Directly to Viewers: Breaking the Fourth Wall in Television (Philip J. Auter and Donald M. Davis), 68:165-71.

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