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Commission on the Status of Women

The Commission on the Status of Women invites submissions of research for competitive paper sessions that are based on issues of gender and communication. We welcome papers in which gender is a main analytic focus and invite projects that use a variety of approaches and research methods, including but not limited to critical, empirical, ethnographic, historical, legal and semiotic analyses. It is expected that the research will demonstrate a familiarity with feminist communication theory.

Examples of relevant topics include: representations of women in the news; the role of gender in newsrooms or classrooms; effects of mass media on women and girls; feminist approaches to teaching and communication; women’s use of/production of media; gender equality in the profession or the academy; etc.

Suggested paper length is 25-pages (double-spaced, 12-point type), excluding tables, references, figures or illustrations. We especially encourage submissions by graduate students. The winner of the top student paper will be awarded $100 and the winner of the second-place student paper will receive $50.

Authors of the top papers will be recognized in the conference program and at the CSW business meeting at the conference.

This paper call is part of the overall AEJMC call for research papers; all submissions must adhere to the general guidelines put forth by AEJMC. Please consult the AEJMC 2013 Paper Competition Uniform Call for information about paper formatting, submission deadline, creating a “clean” paper, and other guidelines. Questions should be sent to Leigh Moscowitz, CSW Research Chair, at .

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