AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Research

About the Standing Committee on Research

The Elected Standing Committee on Research provides annual constructive reviews of activities of AEJMC divisions and interest groups in the area of research.

Duties and Responsibilities of AEJMC Research Committee Members:

  • Attend committee meetings and during the year participate in planning. Work as liaison with assigned divisions and interest groups
  • Participate in the selection of the Nafziger-White-Salwen dissertation competition (for the last three years this has meant reading all of the abstracts and sample chapters from each contestant — ranges from 8 to 12 — and reading in full the top three nominee dissertations).
  • Participate in the solicitation of nominees and decide upon awards for the Deutschmann and Blum awards (not given every year)
  • One member takes part in the division/IG assessment process each year. This requires reading annual reports for 5 to 6 groups and participating in a one-on-one interview process at the conference.
  • Participate in the planning of the plenary session (once every three years)
  • Assist the Association as may be needed and show incentive in developing new ideas and initiatives.

<Elected Standing Committees

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