Newspaper and Online News Division

The Newspaper and Online News Division invites faculty and students to submit original, non-published research papers to be considered for presentation at the AEJMC annual conference, August 8 to 11, 2013, in Washington, D.C. We welcome theoretically-based qualitative or quantitative research papers related to newspaper and online news that investigate topics such as the news coverage of the 2012 election, ethics, law, history, effects, diversity and fairness issues, social media and news, newsgathering norms and routines, economic challenges, etc.

Student papers will be considered for the MacDougall Student Paper Award. Authors should include “MacDougall Student Paper Award” on the title page. Papers submitted with both faculty and student authors will be considered faculty papers and are not eligible for the student competition. A $200 prize and a certificate will be given to the author of the top student paper.

Submission of papers: Papers must be submitted electronically in Word or PDF format no later than 11:59 p.m. (EST) April 1, 2013, using AEJMC’s All Academic system. No hard copies will be accepted. All entries should follow the guidelines of the AEJMC uniform paper competition. Paper length is limited to 25 pages, not including references, tables, or appendices. All submissions will undergo a blind review process by a panel of independent reviewers. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been previously published or presented elsewhere and that they have been submitted to only our division for evaluation.

Paper authors must remove identifying information from their papers or they will be automatically disqualified from the competition. Full instructions on submitting papers are posted on the AEJMC website at

If you have any questions, please contact research co-chairs Raluca Cozma () or Carol Schlagheck ().

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