Resolution Two 2003

Resolution Two: Gender Equity

Whereas recent research by the American Association of University Professors, reported in the April 18, 2003 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education indicates that there still is a pay gap between men and women professors.

And whereas, research reported by Ramona R. Rush and Carol E. Oukrop at the 2002 convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC) indicates that salary is the “major discrimination concern” of female faculty members in journalism and mass communications (j/mc) programs.

Be it resolved:

  1. That AEJMC appoint a committee or assign this task to an existing committee to request from the Becker Studies the relevant data on salaries and to ascertain what information is currently being gathered on salaries that can be used to ascertain if this gap also exists for journalism and mass communications professors; if no information is currently being gathered, to determine how best to obtain this information and to determine how best to reward those j/mc programs that are making active efforts to overcome this long lasting problem and/or that have succeeded in doing so.
  2. That this committee report on its efforts and/or findings to the mid-year meeting of the AEJMC executive committee and to the AEJMC executive committee and the membership as a whole at the 2004 AEJMC convention.

(Prepared by Lionel C. Barrow, Jr., Vice Chair, Commission on the Status of Minorities)
Approved at AEJMC 2003 Convention
Kansas City, Missouri

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